Mission Statement

To be a team that inspires and fulfills your curiosity and deliver’s moving experiences

Our Proven Process Produces Results









Some Words From Our Clients

The staff was excellent. From the first day to the last day the staff was friendly and engaged. I loved the fact that all of the counselors knew my children’s names. The staff always appeared engaged and happy to be at camp. My son was in the preschool camp. I was VERY HAPPY that a male counselor was assigned to his class. It was great for him to have a male role model. It made his experience at camp even better.

Parent Kindergarten

The staff was wonderful and all the feedback I got from my daughter was positive. I had a sitter drop her off and pick her up , but when I did drop-off or pick-up everyone was always so happy, positive and truly loved their jobs. That shines through especially dealing with so many children. And they were attentive to pick-up changes and security.

Parent of child in Grade1

My son and daughter had a fabulous summer (yet again!) and we especially appreciated the flexibility around my daughter’s wish to change class. We were also impressed with my daughter’s progress in gymnastics and my son’s progress with swimming – they are both ending the summer feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Parent of children in Grade2 (Boy & Girl)